Camp Marymount Wish List & In-Kind Donations In-kind donations help the Camp Marymount stretch every dollar and help to guarantee a fun, safe summer for all. The lists contain a wide variety of “little” things and “big” things. If you want to provide something on the list, but don’t know where to find it, print and return the donation form and let us do the shopping for you. You still get the credit! Please take a look at Camp’s current need list or contact the office at info@campmarymount.comif you have something that is not on the list you think Camp might find helpful. Current Needs: 4-Wheel drive golf carts Commercial mowing equipment (mowers, weedeaters) Arrows for archery bullets for marksmanship (single shot 22s) Arts and Crafts supplies Saddles Bridles Golf cart Used vehicles for summer camper transportation Frisbees for Frisbee golf program Canoes (lightly used) Youth & adult size lifejackets (lightly used) Office cabinets or shelves Volunteer If you've got time, we'd love to see you! Every year Camp Marymount appreciates and needs volunteers. There are many ways to help with just one being at our Friends and Alum Work Weekend the last weekend before Camp starts in the Summer. For more information please call Camp at 615-799-0410.